These simple steps in the article will help you ‘navigate’ the silly season and help to have all of your employees feel that they ‘matter’ to you. We have hit the ‘silly season’ and there is a very good reason that it is called just that. We typically eat, drink and party more enthusiastically than […]
The Secret Sauce
25/11/2013Why do some people want to desperately work for some businesses and avoid others like the plague? Mostly it can be put down to culture or the managers’ reputation. But how do you make or create a culture? Why would you bother? My thinking is that if more businesses focused on their cultural strategy, many […]
Biased? not me
14/11/2013I was visiting McDonalds yesterday on the behalf a client and, as I was leaving with my host, the lift opened and a women entered – average height probably in her late thirties – my host exchanged the usual type of pleasantries with her, as you do in a lift, so I assumed that she […]
HR has long had a ‘touchy feely’ reputation but this is fast changing and in my view will continue to do so. At the big end of town, bit by bit the data is changing or improving the decisions made around what is often one of the most expensive costs to a business – your […]
Can you smell the whiff of confidence in the air now we are in teh new year Now the economy things seem to be looking up are you thinking about a merger or acquisition? Many SMEs decide one of the quickest ways to grow your business is to buy another one. There is a lot […]
Why Exit?
01/09/2013Why would you ever want to do an exit interview? Just recently, a client of ours had a senior member of the team resign and we are assisting them with the replacement of this role. We have just conducted an independent exit interview with the employee leaving the role – you might ask ‘why?’ You […]
Now – let me start by saying that we are not a Recruitment Agency – far from it! We recruit for our clients for about a half the cost that an agency would charge you and there is no success fee. We get paid for the work that we do and the result. To you […]
Has Your Workplace Got What It Takes?
24/08/2013Why do you need to care about culture or about providing a great place to work? Maybe it might help to answer these questions first: Fancy increasing your revenue by 400%? What about improving your client’s customer service experience by three times? Do you want the majority of your employees to be high performers? Have […]
As a business owner, you’re likely to have found yourself in the position of hiring staff without a clear idea of what their responsibilities or KPIs should be. Hey, I’ve done it. Maybe you did a few Google searches and looked at the sort of responsibilities and experience other companies typically look for. While it’s […]
Hit me with your best shot
22/07/2013Are you giving your business the best shot? Maybe, but maybe not – I had a client the other day ‘interview’ a candidate and it went a bit like this: Candidate arrived – Owner seemed flustered and distracted – the interview was on the couch in front of the rest of the team…Question one (and […]