Today on the podcast today we talk to Natasha Hawker, CEO of Employee Matters. Employee Matters provides employee support to small businesses to maximise profitability through employee productivity. Natasha shares some fantastic advice on the interview process and how you can make your practice the sort of place where people are banging on your door to ask…can I work for you? If you need some guidance with your HR needs or brushing up on your interview skills, this episode is for you. Cathy Love, Nacre
- The importance of talent recruitment development and management with Natasha HawkerWhat is covered in this episode:
- Employee Matters’ business updates over the last year
- Managing the team and business
- The process of rebuilding and rewriting their website and the valuable information you can find there
- The reason why education is key to any business
- Discussion on the book: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
- Key things you need to know about recruitment
- Tips on interviewing potential talent and building your talent pool
- Employee Value Proposition and why you need it
- The future of recruitment
- The importance of candidate management
- Current thinking and practices about performance development and management and the difference between the two
- How job descriptions and accountability matrixes help in achieving strategic goals
- Voxer App
- Ten (10) questions that can power up performance development sessions or one-on-one meetings
- The changing state of performance management
- 10-minute stand-ups and how it helps in action and accountability
- Discussion on independent contractors, casual & permanent employees
- Services of Employee Matters
- Book: From Hire to Fire and Everything in Between
And much more !